Little Mermaid has been one of my favorite Disney movies, and Ariel is still on top of my favorite princesses. I don’t know how many times I had watched The Little Mermaid when I was a kid and why I love Ariel so much even though I never wanted to become one.
Watching the animation again made me realize why because I can relate to her. Ariel wasn’t able to do all the things she wanted to do because of her strict father. And when she sang the Part of Your World? Oh, boy, I felt it. Haha. That was the only Disney song I had memorized, though. Perhaps deep down I knew, and I understood it when I was a kid but hadn’t given enough thought about it until today.
If we analyze the song, it talks about curiosity, facing one’s fears, craving for knowledge and adventure, wanting to try and explore new things, and freedom. Ariel wanted to do all of those things above but constrained by his father (mine is my mother) and her being a mermaid (mine is money).
If you’re a reader of my blog, you’ll know how much I want all of those things I mentioned because I blog about it twice. And just like in the movie, a prince like Eric is only a bonus. Haha.
Unpopular opinion: Ariel didn’t give up her voice for Eric. Eric was just the final push for Ariel to do what she wanted in the first place (to go on land). The lyrics of the song proved that.
What would I give if I could live
Out of these waters?
What would I pay to spend a day
Warm on the sand?
Betcha’ on land, they understand
Bet they don’t reprimand their daughters
Bright young women, sick of swimming
Ready to stand
She sang this song before they met.
She’s full of dreams and desire way before she met Eric. Realizing it made me happy because I can relate to that. Hahaha. Maybe, growing up, watching The Little Mermaid made me who I am today. It somehow affected the way I think, and how I view the world or the people.
PS: Belle is the next Disney princess I love because I can relate to her too. Hahaha. Oh, Ariel and Belle have similarities—that’s why.
October 4, 2018
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