Book Review: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

WHY DID I PICK IT?I saw the book last November on Goodreads, and I had been intrigued since then because of the good reviews.

Harry love Potter. Some of my favorite books have Harry Potter references. Haha. I love that the main character is a fellow Potterhead and the book has many HP references in it.
Black people. The first book I had read where the main characters are black. I got to know and understand what is really happening these days. I love that I’m learning while reading this.
The things you need to do when the cop stops you. I didn’t know about it until I read this book. We must all know it because no one is really safe, and I don’t trust cops anymore.
Chris and Starr. They’re cute! I can’t put my feelings into words—Ah, I love them. Really.
Starr’s family. A realistic family. I love the bonding, sweetness, talking, and caring. I love the kids especially Sekani, such a cute boy.

The interview/questioning! My nerves were too high on this chapter. I can’t believe the detectives who are handling the case ignored the real issue like it was the first time it happened, where in fact it’s always happening.
Justifying the case instead of investigating it.
Grand Jury's decision.

“Once you’ve seen how broken someone is it’s like seeing them naked—you can’t look at them the same anymore.”
“Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right.”
“Faith isn’t just believing but taking steps toward that belief.”
“We let people say stuff, and they say it so much that it becomes okay to them and normal for us. What’s the point of having a voice if you’re gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn’t be?”
“I learned that people make mistakes, and you have to decide if their mistakes are bigger than your love for them.”
“Brave doesn’t mean you’re not scared, Starr,” she says. “It means you go on even though you’re scared. And you’re doing that.”

A must read! This book talks about the differences between black and white, police brutality, discrimination, oppression, drugs, racism, justice system, etc. You’ll see how black people live their lives. It’s just so sad, and I’m mad that they are still experiencing it until now.

This is really a great book that should be read by all especially teens to become aware on current issues and to encourage us to speak and call someone out when someone needs to be called out. This is not “just some story”, this is real. It’s happening.

PS: The book tackles serious issues but still finds a way to make me laugh, smile, and moved. Hands down to Angie Thomas for her first great novel.

PPS: I’m glad that the book is being made into a movie. Here’s the trailer. *click here*

FINAL VERDICT:✫ ✫ ✫ ✫ ✫ 

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