I have once said that it’s okay for me to be hurt by an artist, and I couldn’t think of any reason to justify it before. Today, I think I know now.

An artist will not tell you you’re overdramatic when you rant about him or using him as your subject in your work, he will understand—it’s one of the good traits of all artists, their empathy toward other people.

You’re not going to have second thoughts whether he loved you or not because the feelings he felt in a span of your relationship can be seen in his works. You can always see the pieces of you through his works.

An artist will change your perspectives. He will change how you perceive the world, and how you see yourself. You will learn to love your flaws and imperfections because he will teach you to love them as much as he loves it.

If you’re feeling the same way, comment down below your thoughts so I can add it here with your name on it

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